Volcano Explosion!

One way to see some of the incredible power in the world around us is with a homemade volcano! Simple kitchen ingredients can be combined to create all sorts of explosive fun.

There are so many ways to play with this activity, so enjoy experimenting!

  • For the classic ‘baking soda and vinegar volcano’, you can find some helpful tips, here and here.
  • You might like to use ‘elephants toothpaste’ as your reaction: click here for guidance.

For a simple look at what a volcano is, try an online video (e.g. click here) or grab some volcano facts from an article to fuel your conversation.

A scientist of faith who helped set up The Faraday Institute (where we work) works with volcanoes and loves visiting them! You can meet Professor Bob White, here.

Check out some of our questions and resources about the environment, Science, Religion and the Bible and suffering for more – particularly if you start thinking about questions like ‘Why do bad things happen’ and ‘Are natural events like volcanoes and floods always bad?’

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Why do you think a creator would make volcanoes part of our planet?